O tom da liderança de Michelle Obama nas palavras do ChatGPT

Na calmaria de um fim de semana em que o dia ainda sabe a verão e a lareira acesa à noite já chama o outono, fui apanhando o ritmo do mundo ao som dos discursos da convenção democrata dos Estados Unidos da América.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
Out 1 2024 • 6 min leitura
O tom da liderança de Michelle Obama nas palavras do ChatGPT

Inspirada nas palavras de Michelle Obama e desafiada pela minha equipa a usar, cada vez mais, a tecnologia AI que temos a nossa disposição, dei instruções claras ao ChatGPT:

"Write me a 3 to 4 minute business oriented article about leadership, teams, working together and growing together, with Michelle Obama's voice tone and the strength and empathy she revealed here. Please give it a corporate wrap-up and not a political one.

Deixo-vos o resultado do ChatGPT após um submit e um único pedido de revisão:

The Power of Leadership and Teamwork: Growing Together, Rising Together
Leadership isn’t just about giving directions—it’s about bringing people together, harnessing their unique strengths, and inspiring collective growth. As leaders, we often find ourselves at the forefront, but our real power comes from the teams we work with, the individuals we uplift, and the shared vision that we build together.

Leadership requires empathy. The role of a leader extends beyond strategy and metrics; it’s about fostering a space where everyone feels seen, valued, and heard. A true leader understands that the success of the team is not measured by individual achievements but by how we support one another in pursuit of common goals.

The Foundation of Strong Teams
Teams aren’t built by accident—they are cultivated with intention. Each person on your team brings a unique perspective, skill set, and story. As leaders, it’s our job to not just recognize those qualities but to weave them together into a cohesive unit. When we listen—truly listen—to the people around us, we unlock their potential and create an environment where innovation thrives.

It starts with trust. Building trust requires consistent communication and transparency, but it also means being vulnerable as leaders. It’s okay to not have all the answers. In fact, some of the greatest breakthroughs come when leaders admit what they don’t know and turn to their teams for support. In doing so, we give others the courage to step up, share ideas, and contribute in ways that enrich the whole.

The Power of Growing Together
Growth isn’t something that happens in isolation. When teams grow, they do so together. There’s a beautiful synergy in watching people develop both individually and as a collective. It’s about giving space for mistakes, celebrating small wins, and constantly challenging one another to be better—not through competition but through collaboration.

Leaders must act as gardeners, tending to each team member, giving them the tools, the feedback, and the opportunities they need to flourish. Whether it’s mentorship or simple acknowledgment, every action we take as leaders should be designed to empower others to grow.

This growth mindset—where everyone is encouraged to continually learn, adapt, and push beyond their comfort zones—creates a ripple effect. A team committed to collective growth becomes unstoppable, capable of weathering any storm because they know they’re stronger together.

Leading with Empathy, Rising with Strength
Empathy in leadership isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a practice. It’s understanding the struggles your team may face and supporting them with compassion. But empathy isn’t soft. It’s about building resilience within your team, helping them rise to challenges, and reminding them that no one rises alone.

In corporate environments, it’s easy to get bogged down by KPIs, bottom lines, and quarterly targets. But leaders with empathy remember that behind every metric is a person, a team, a collective story of growth. When you lead with empathy, your team will go further, not because they’re being pushed, but because they feel inspired to rise.

A Collective Vision for the Future
As we think about the future, one thing is certain: success in today’s world is driven by collaboration, not by lone champions. The most successful organizations are those that understand the value of people—those who can harness the power of diverse teams and align them towards a shared purpose.

In business, just as in life, we’re only as strong as the team beside us. As leaders, it’s our privilege to create the conditions that allow each person to thrive. When we build environments where individuals are encouraged to grow, support one another, and pursue common goals, we unlock the full potential of our teams and ultimately, our organizations.

Leadership is not a solitary act—it’s a collective movement.

Corporate Wrap-Up: Building Teams That Thrive
In the fast-paced world of business, success isn’t just measured in profits or quarterly gains. It’s measured in the strength of the teams we build and the growth we foster. Leaders who invest in their people, who lead with empathy, humility, and a clear sense of purpose, create teams that don’t just work together—they thrive together.

A thriving team is resilient. It’s creative. It’s adaptable in the face of challenges and bold in its pursuit of new opportunities. But most importantly, it’s a team that grows—together.

In the end, the success of any business is rooted in its people. And when those people feel empowered to lead, contribute, and grow, there’s no limit to what they can achieve.


Impressiona-me o conteúdo desta tecnologia usada por todos nós no nosso dia a dia. Se é verdade que o carisma vem na forma e no tom de quem profere as palavras, também é verdade que a partilha de artigos num blog escrito exige uma reflexão profunda, que me tem sido exigida por esta minha equipa que, semana após semana, dá um bocadinho de si para alimentar esta nossa partilha.

Liderar é também saber ouvir a equipa … e importa refletir no drive, no conteúdo e na forma do nosso blog, que nasceu há quase 5 anos, da vontade de partilhar ideias e conhecimento nas palavras dos nossos.

A três meses do final do ano, vamos repensando este espaço que promete novas ideias … até lá vamos voltando, semana após semana, ao som descontraído do bater das teclas e ao ritmo consistente do compromisso.

Termino com uma das frases do discurso de Michelle Obama: If we see a mountain in front of us, we don´t expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top … No! … we put our heads down, we get to work … WE DO SOMETHING.

Vale a pena ouvir o discurso.

Nota: a imagem usada neste artigo foi gerada através do Midjourney.

Maria Cabral de Sousa
CEO, Softway

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